The 14th Southern Region Advanced Vocational Certificate Level Accounting Skills Competition

On August 1, 2024, the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Business Administration at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RMUTSV) organized the 14th Southern Region Advanced Vocational Certificate Level Accounting Skills Competition. The event took place in Room 63213 of the Faculty of Business Administration and was inaugurated by Dr. Teepakorn Naruebanalin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research.

The Faculty of Business Administration, RMUTSV, extends congratulations to the following teams:

Honorable Mention (2nd Prize): Team USP 2

First Prize: Team PTL 3

First Runner-Up: Team USP 1

Second Runner-Up: Team PTL 1

Honorable Mention (1st Prize): Team PTL 2